Uncover the root cause

Hope over frustration, security over doubt, and confidence in a path to lasting wellness.

Not sure which package is best for you or looking for a custom package – book a discovery call and we’ll figure it out.

Is working together right for you?

You want answers, clarity, and to understand what’s really at the root.

You have a laundry list of symptoms.

You’ve tried to DIY your health issue, but you aren’t making the progress you would like to see.

You’re sick and tired of feeling sick and tired.

You’ve been given a diagnosis that feels a little ‘hopeless’ but in your heart, you know your body can feel better! 

You want someone to look at you from a functional perspective, viewing you as a whole person with all systems connected.

You want someone to strategically guide you through healing step-by-step.

You’ve tried everything.

You are READY to do the work and take steps toward healing.

You want to achieve optimal health.

Deep Healing Package

Clarity, functional lab testing, and step-by-step guidance for you to achieve optimal health.


Program covers care for 9 months.

If additional care is needed this can be added on later.

    • Chronic pain

    • Extreme fatigue

    • Migraines 

    • Autoimmune diagnosis 

    • Unexplained fevers, sweats, or chills

    • Swollen glands

    • Joint pain or swelling 

    • Neck stiffness 

    • Muscle pain 

    • Tingling, numbness, burning or stabbing sensations

    • Forgetfulness or poor short term memory

    • Disturbed sleep

  • Tickborne 2.0 panel which tests for Lyme, EBV, various co-infections & opportunistic infections 

  • GIMAP stool test 

  • Comprehensive blood panel

*Optional functional lab tests add-ons available at practitioner pricing

  • Initial comprehensive consultation and health assessment

  • Personalized health plan tailored to your specific needs, this includes dietary recommendations, lifestyle modifications, supplement protocol, and other holistic therapy recommendations.

  • Regular follow-up appointments and adjustments to the protocol

  • Messenger support

  • Access to my client portal, Practice Better.

What’s NOT included:

Recommended supplements are not included in this pricing (those things are too difficult to determine before we have any test results, however if you need an estimate I can do my best to share a range upfront).


*Eligible to use HSA / FSA. Let me know if you need an invoice via Paypal for payment plan

Gut Healing Package

Clarity, functional lab testing, and step-by-step guidance for you to achieve optimal health.


Program covers care for 3 months.

If additional care is needed this can be added on later.

    • Bloating

    • Gas

    • Heartburn

    • Stooling less than 2 - 3 times per day (we call that constipation)

    • Diarrhea

    • Acne

    • Eczema or other skin issues

    • Anxiety

    • Low energy

    • Brain fog

  • GIMAP stool test 

  • MRT food sensitivity test

*Optional functional lab tests add-ons available at practitioner pricing

  • Initial comprehensive consultation and health assessment

  • Personalized health plan tailored to your specific needs, this includes dietary recommendations, lifestyle modifications, supplement protocol, and other holistic therapy recommendations. 

  • Regular follow-up appointments and adjustments to the protocol

  • Messenger support

  • Access to my client portal, Practice Better.

What’s NOT included:

Recommended supplements are not included in this pricing (those things are too difficult to determine before we have any test results, however if you need an estimate I can do my best to share a range upfront).


*Eligible to use HSA / FSA. Let me know if you need an invoice via Paypal for payment plan

Healing Starter Package

Ready to get started, but want to take things slow? An Intake call and foundational nutritional recommendations could be a great start on your healing journey.

  • Intake 75 minute call

  • Follow up 45 minute call


*Eligible to use HSA / FSA. Let me know if you need an invoice via Paypal for payment plan

Almost every person can benefit from a GI-MAP gut health assessment. Some people are looking to achieve optimal health, while other people have been chronically ill and frustrated without answers for years.

Some conditions that benefit from functional testing:

  • Autoimmune diseases


  • Digestive complaints, diarrhea or constipation

  • Brain fog

  • Skin problems, like acne and psoriasis

  • Mood disorders, depression, and anxiety

  • Diabetes and weight loss issues





  • "First vacation eva that I’m going to the bathroom regularly and more than one time a day.  What is this life?! (😂🥳🥳) you’ve changed my lifeeee and we’re just getting started haha!!"

  • "You’ve done more for me than any doctor has and have it explained it better than any doctor has."

  • "Working with Abby has been life changing for my digestion and gut health. I never dreamed that the work we would do would help balance my blood sugar and give me regular bowel movements. That’s life changing 💩 right there. I’m thankful for the tools I’ve been given on how to properly fuel my body.”

Frequently Asked Questions

  • This varies person to person, but often flows something like this… 

    Step 1 - We hop on a discovery call to determine which level of care you need. Then you book your care package.

    Step 2 - You’ll fill out your intake paperwork which often includes a health history questionnaire, symptom survey, and food journal.  This provides me with a great level of information so I can best address your specific needs and goals. 

    Step 3 - We hop on our initial kick off call and deep dive into your health history, your goals and you’ll walk away with some very specific recommendations you can implement immediately.  Step 4 - You’ll complete testing and while we await results, you’ll be able to work on building healthy foundational habits. 

    Step 5 - Once test results are in, we’ll hop on a results review call where I’ll walk you through your results step by step and share your customized protocol based on your test results, symptoms and your goals.  

    Step 6 - Time for healing!  You’ll implement your protocol and we’ll check in along the way and tweak the protocol as needed.  

    Step 7 - Once you’ve completed your protocol, we’ll hop on a call for one last check in.  Some opt for re-tests or additional testing.  At this point we also start re-introducing foods we may have once removed and may make recommendations to address any secondary imbalances.

    Step 8 - You’re feeling great and you’ve come a long way.  You’ll take your healthy habits and GO LIVE YOUR LIFE free from what once held you back!

  • You can!  I’m happy to look at any recent testing you may have, but often standard blood work isn’t comprehensive enough and I may recommend further testing.  It all depends on what your goals are and what we are looking to resolve.

  • I do not bill or accept insurance.  However, my testing and care is typically covered by HSA and FSA, so you can use those as your method of payment.

  • This varies person to person and truly depends on your own symptom presentation, how ready your body is to heal, how long you’ve been unwell,  the environment you are in, your mental health status, how compliant you are… etc etc. 

    I wish I could wave a wand and you would feel better overnight, but building sustainable health takes time and can happen in layers.  Plan on working together for at least 3 months, we can add additional time if needed. 

  • Not typically, but please reach out if you have a special circumstance.

    We typically work together for a minimum of three months. This time frame allows us to thoroughly assess your health status, conduct testing, develop and follow a customized protocol to guide you to reach your health goals.

  • Absolutely!  My practice is completely virtual.  We’ll work together using video calls and messenger support.  For testing, some tests you are able to complete in your own home and drop at Fedex (such as urine or stool samples).  Some tests you can go to your local blood draw center.

    *At this time, I do only work with clients in the US.

  • I am a Certified Nutrition Therapy Practitioner, Certified Restorative Wellness Practitioner, and Certified Lyme Specialist.  

    I also have a lot of my own personal experience, it’s what led me to go back to school so I could guide others through their own healing season.  I know what it’s like to be in your shoes, to be sick and tired of feeling sick and tired.  I know what it’s like to take the leap of faith in a ‘different’ care model, it’s a financial investment and a time investment… an investment I don’t take lightly.

  • It is often a side effect of bringing the body back into balance, but if weight loss is your only goal I am likely not the best fit for you ;)

  • Often we do recommend therapeutic supplements as part of our comprehensive protocols.  We only use supplements for a specific reason and for a short season.  Though there are situations (such as, if you have had your gallbladder removed) where we might recommend long-term supplementation.

  • Best way to get started is to schedule a discovery call.  We will chat about what you have going on, I’ll have some questions for you, and you’ll have an opportunity to ask questions as well.  I will advise on my recommendations for next steps, testing, care etc.

  • Absolutely!  This can be a great compliment to conventional medicine.  Although many doctors acknowledge the importance of proper diet and nutritional supplementation, it’s often difficult for them to spend time conducting the proper evaluation and counseling necessary to support optimal healing. I can work alongside these practitioners to support the doctors’ diagnosis and treatment plan.

  • This depends entirely on what you have going on, but most of my clients experience at least some relief with symptoms within the first few weeks.

  • I don’t diagnose or treat diseases, rather I look to identify areas of imbalance or dysfunction and work to bring those areas back into balance and function removing the symptoms along the way.  I’m asking how and why was

Have a question not answered here? Email me at modernhippie.abby@gmail.com.